Sunday, September 18, 2011

Clean Slate Sunday: 9.18.11 edition

Oh wow.

I knew it had been a while since I did a "Clean Slate Sunday" post, but I didn't realize how long until I looked it up.

The last one was the first of March. Right after Grandma died. I was feeling pretty lousy then, but trying to pull myself out of the muck that seemed to be consuming my brain and my emotions that previous week.

Tonight I sat down with the laptop to search for something calming, to center myself with a little writing, to shake the madness rattling around in my head, exacerbated by children choosing not to obey and me feeling like a failure for losing my temper.

I needed to breathe. To calm down. That's what I've always tried to do on Sunday evenings - settle in, quiet down, prepare for the week ahead. Our summer was so jam-packed and crazy busy that I've hardly had a chance to change gears and focus on helping the kids be and do their best at school. Now we're going into Week 3 of the new school year and despite everyone knowing the evening routine, things don't always fall into place. Tonight was a classic example of the kids being wired for sound and me wanting to knock their heads together. I finally got them tucked into bed and am able to enjoy a little peace before I hit the hay myself.

Re-reading a few posts I wrote about my grandma was just what I needed tonight. Thinking of her brought a sense of calm into my heart. It's amazing how she can still do that for me even though she's gone.

So I'm ready to face tomorrow as a fresh start. A new day. After a good night of sleep.

I hope you've enjoyed your weekend, lovely readers. Goodnight!

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