Sunday, February 21, 2010

Clean Slate Sunday: 2.21.10 edition

Whew. What a week! I had to double check my dates to be sure it actually is Sunday again already.

It's been a week full of ups and downs and lots of craziness.

Speaking of craziness, I'm really enjoying this blogging thing and I hope you've been enjoying reading it. It's been a great thing for me in a couple of ways: 1) It helps to keep some sort of record of this wild ride called Life, and 2) It makes it at least appear that I am sane. Because if I keep talking to myself someone might have me committed, and somehow having a semblance of an audience makes all the babbling OK.

On the other hand, now you all know what's inside my head. Hmmm. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea. It definitely warrants further mulling-over.

Anyway ... the Sunday night recap, in case you haven't been reading all along (and in that case, tsk tsk).

The kids and I started the week off by wrapping up a nice little vacation with daddy in Pennsylvania. We got cheated out of a fun day with Steve on Sunday, though, because he had gotten snowed out one day during the week and had to make that up on the weekend. No biggie - at least we were in a hotel with a pool to keep the kids busy.

Monday Steve kissed everyone goodbye as he left for work, then the kids and I got packed up, had a nice breakfast at the hotel, and hit the road. It took us 9.5 hours to get home from PA. Not bad. For the record, the Ohio Turnpike is just like I remember it from a few years ago - long, flat and boring. I was so glad to get home.

On Tuesday Steve sent me a text that he was coming home for the rest of the week because a snowstorm shut down the job. Again. Too bad we didn't know this was going to happen before we spent all that money on hotel rooms. But yeehaw (!!) for having him home for a few days.

Wednesday all hell broke loose when our dog ran off. I felt like the worst mom in the world for letting it happen (albeit accidentally) and I'm pretty sure at least one of the kids would have confirmed that I was the worst mom in the world if someone had just asked them.

Thursday morning was beautiful. Steve floated the river with his cousin to do a little fishing. By the time he got home he had gotten two phone calls and an e-mail with the news that work would start back up on Saturday instead of Monday. So much for enjoying the weekend with him. A conference with Rachel's teacher and a very positive report on her progress in school was the highlight of my day.

Friday dawned beautifully, too, but even colder than Thursday. The dog still hadn't returned. Steve left to go back to work. I managed to make it through the day without crawling back under the covers and bawling my eyes out.

Saturday morning Sam bowled with his league, Rachel went roller-skating with her Brownie troop, and we got a call that someone had found our dog! We enjoyed a (very late) night at a get-together with neighbors.

Today, Sunday: skipped church (again); took Rachel to a Girl Scout meeting; did a makeup bowling game with Sam for the one we missed while on vacation; picked up as few groceries as possible; loved on the dog; regretted keeping the kids out so late last night; promised myself I would scratch more items off my to-do list this week than last week.

Good grief, I'm exhausted just reading back over it. I never thought I'd say this but Monday morning will come as such a blessing.


  1. I love Blogging! :-) And I enjoy your musings. You are a few years ahead of me with the kids so I'm taking copious notes!

  2. Wish I could have your outlook on Monday morning :) I'd like an extra day added to the weekend this week...have a good week :)

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog. You definitely have a natural gift toward writing. Thanks for sharing your life through The Pipe Life and I'm so happy the pooch is back! :)

  4. Camille: Thank you! I should have started this a long time ago. Who knew blogging would be so fun? And it helps me clear my mind, which is no small feat.

    Bobbi: I haven't always appreciated Mondays. :) It was so good to see you guys this weekend. I wish we all had more time to catch up! You have a good week, too.

    gatorknight: Thank you for your kind words. :)
