Sunday, May 15, 2011


I am far from a minimalist. I like surrounding myself with things (and people!) I love. One of my favorite things to do is find great deals on items - new or used, large or small - that will add charm and/or comfort to our home, even if those things need a little sprucing up before I'll use them.

That's why it always surprises me that I feel so fulfilled when I unload things from our home that aren't useful or that we don't love anymore. You wouldn't think an inanimate object could cause or create negative energy, but the more I think about it the more I think there is something to the Chinese concept of feng shui. If the position of furniture matters, surely having a piece of furniture we don't even use or particularly care for in the bedroom would make a difference in the flow of energy, right?

We let go of a few pieces of furniture like that this weekend - items that didn't "fit" in our home anymore. The result, at least for me, is an amazing feeling of abundance. Abundance of space. Abundance of potential. And as I reflect on that I am reminded of the abundance in other areas of our lives.

Do you ever have those days - or even just moments - when you think, "wow, things are really coming together for us?" That's how I've been feeling lately.

Sure, I've been crazy busy and nothing is ever really perfect. I have a to-do list a mile long for the inside of the house, the grass needs to be mowed outside, and I don't get to see my sweetheart this weekend. Nothing about us being away from each other is cool, but on a positive note the abundance of work for Steve is a good thing.

The challenge for me is to continue to appreciate it all and forget about any notion that all good things must come to an end. I prefer to look at these times as seasons in our lives; we've been through seasons of struggle and trial to abundance and beauty ... Steve and I joke that it's always feast or famine, one extreme or the other, but rarely just "OK" and an even keel. It sure keeps life interesting.

Have a blessed Sunday. And don't forget to reflect on the abundance in your life.

Photo credit

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post. And I love the next one about the garden, too. It's great when things just feel right. :)
