Monday, September 20, 2010

Quiet Monday.

Wow. I had big plans for the blog last week. Lots of pictures, updates on projects around the house, and perhaps a little waxing poetic about the change in seasons and the beautiful fall weather we've been having.

How quickly life gets in the way.

Tuesday morning I met a friend for coffee, met another friend for lunch, then made my fall trek to Sam's Club. Wednesday and Thursday mornings I had the pleasure of babysitting for my friends' 5-month-old baby boy. I had so much fun with him, but boy had I forgotten how exhausting it is to entertain, feed, rock, sing to, bounce, change diapers for, and ogle a baby for a few hours! So in the afternoons I chilled out at home and did pretty much nothing. Thursday night Steve came home, between jobs and waiting for A Phone Call.

Before I knew it the weekend was here and we had things to do. We visited with friends Friday night, Rachel walked in the annual Harvest Festival parade with her Brownie troop on Saturday, then Sunday we all went to church followed by an ice cream social, then we stopped by for a quick visit with my mom, and Rachel had her Girl Scout meeting Sunday afternoon. We finished up the day with dinner at my in-laws'.

Whew! I was so glad to fall into bed and get a good night of sleep last night, but sleep wasn't in the cards, apparently. I woke up at 3 a.m. sneezing and with so much pressure in my sinuses it made my teeth hurt. Stupid allergies! I never did get back to sleep after that.

So I was really happy to send the kids off to school this morning.

Check that. I was happy Steve was still here so he could wake them up and get them off to school this morning.

God bless that husband of mine.

Tonight Steve and the kids got to spend some fun time together making apple dumplings from scratch. I know Sam and Rachel enjoyed that time with their dad; they don't get to do that very often. And bonus - the dumplings tasted awesome! The perfect end to a quiet fall day.

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